A passion for colour - my design company rebrand

If you’re a regular visitor to my website you may have spotted that I rebranded!

The pandemic changed the nature of my ideal design client, so with that in mind, it was time to re-evaluate my brand and develop a new brand identity to fit.

I asked a few clients (past and present) what words and phrases came to mind when and after working with me, and a recurring answer was a passion for design! It’s no secret that I’m passionate about what I do - I’m so happy when a rebrand or web design project comes together. I love helping my clients find the strength and confidence that comes with a solid brand strategy.

My brand values still hold true after over 20 years of running Eau Rouge Ltd. - I want to help my clients feel confident and proud of their businesses. I help my clients gain clarity on their unique brand, so the design feels and looks just right and the colours and fonts are strategically chosen to appeal to their ideal clients. I have the expertise to take a print or digital design project through to completion - you’re not paying for ‘fake it ‘til you make it - or as I call it - ‘luck it ’til you f*ck it’ services with me!

So, working through the other feedback I received, I knew I wanted to update my brand colours and typography. Clients felt confident and excited after working with me. So you’ll note from the emboldened words above, I had some delicious feelings and phrases to work with!

With all that strategy in mind, I wanted a type-driven logo, rather than incorporating an icon or illustration. After a lot of sketching on paper and on screen I opted for a legible, elegant and modern typeface for the words Eau Rouge, as it’s not a well known phrase, and then I wanted the word Design to have a creative and exciting flourish.

Choosing my passionate confident palette of colours was great fun and after a LOT of experimentation with palettes and symbols I settled on what I call my lipstick passion palette: a dark aubergine base, two striking reddy/pinky purples and some calming neutrals.

There has always been some kind of water element to my logo and in this version I’ve used flowing waves as part of the wider brand in background images.

Let me know what you think!

Eau Rouge Logo
Eau Rouge colour palette

branding in action
Jade Thomas

Hi, I'm Jade, Brand Maven (Yes, that is my official title.) at Eau Rouge ltd. I help small businesses clarify how they want their ideal clients to feel. Then, using colour psychology and over 25 years branding experience, I blend these feelings into a cohesive, beautiful and unique brand that will send exactly the right visual vibes to their ideal clients! I then build the most gorgeous and easy to use Squarespace websites for my clients, just like this one! Oh and my side-hustle is jewellery design - check out @jadethomasjewellery on socials!


Brainstorming sessions to inspire your biz


How do you want your ideal clients to feel?