The unexpected benefits of a new website

So I’m not a huge fan of parlour games, however I did create one a few years ago - I called it Skewed Views* …

The rules are simple; you get a group of friends together and you go around the room describing what the person to your left does for a living. Not just the job title - a proper good guess at where their place of work is, what they have to wear, whether they work with a team, what apparatus they use, who they help, what they actually do day-to-day.

Now when I played it, I was in a group of twelve or so friends - really good friends I’ve known for aaages - but you know what? We were all pretty crap at knowing what the others actually, really, really do every day in their jobs. (Mainly I heard “you draw stuff with pencils.”)

Mr Benn

… So where am I going with this?

Well, whether you run your own business, or work in a larger company, you tend to assume that people know what you do. But in fact most people probably only know the tip of the iceberg. So being able to showcase the full nature of what you do for a living on a website is really powerful. Communicating your services and the benefits to your would-be clients online leaves people in no doubt as to what you can do. It also really helps friends, relatives and current clients to recommend you or introduce people who could benefit from your expertise.

A client of mine said recently that after running her business for over nine years, it wasn’t until her relatives saw her new website that they fully understood what she did, and when they read of her expertise and case studies, they were truly impressed! Not only do they now understand more about what she does, they are in a better position to spread the word!

A well designed website also helps you to feel proud of your own work, and it is a centralised location where you can showcase your latest projects, and really explain what your brand is all about.

So if you want a website that sings your praises, communicates clearly to potential clients, and helps your Mum to know what you do, please get in contact!

*Also get in contact if you need to know how to turn Skewed Views into a drinking game.

Jade Thomas

Hi, I'm Jade, Brand Maven (Yes, that is my official title.) at Eau Rouge ltd. I help small businesses clarify how they want their ideal clients to feel. Then, using colour psychology and over 25 years branding experience, I blend these feelings into a cohesive, beautiful and unique brand that will send exactly the right visual vibes to their ideal clients! I then build the most gorgeous and easy to use Squarespace websites for my clients, just like this one! Oh and my side-hustle is jewellery design - check out @jadethomasjewellery on socials!

Squarespace website for Rachel Dunford Consulting


Branding design for Multi-Media Artist Zoë Day