Branding and web consultancy for With Enfys
My new client Enfys (a beautiful Welsh name meaning rainbow) was clear on the brand colours she wanted to use for both parts of her business. I asked her a few questions and soon realised her colour choices were spot on, as her brand personality sits perfectly in the winter season colour palette.
Who would have thought a wardrobe would be the inspiration for the logo! The target style handles were a perfect shape to adapt for her brand identity. Typographically, I wanted something classic, but personable, so we used a mix of fonts.
When it came to her website, Enfys needed to combine two businesses into one. She had already trialled Squarespace, so with minor tips and guidance from me, she was able to build her site to suit.
“Creating a brand reputation begins with a logo. It’s what people see first and one thing is for sure - it will be judged. A good logo has the power to create an impression before you do. It encapsulates what you and your brand stand for and it’s an opportunity to stand out. Be different. Be bold. Be confident. I’m so pleased I didn’t settle for an off the shelf design. I didn’t want a fiddly, wishy-washy concept. A real expert can distil the essence of your brand and translate this into a logo. It’s worth the money. Your business will benefit from the pride a good logo provides and will be the launch pad for the following design and marketing which is to come. There are many designers out there so finding one who understands you and your brand ethos is key. Going for the cheapest may cost you down the line as you may need to do it again. A good logo is worth investing in so get it right from the beginning! It’s pretty impossible to make a first impression twice so having a logo which communicates on your behalf is vital. I worked closely with Jade who then created mine and I’m just so pleased I did. Thanks Jade x”