Decoding USPs: Understanding the Unique Selling Proposition
Your Unique Selling Proposition (or sometimes Unique Selling Point) - What makes you stand out from your competitors?
Your USP is a summary of what you do and how you do it better or differently than others. Often, a USP can be summed up in just a few words that become a catch-phrase or strapline. Whether long or short, your USP should focus on how it benefits the customer. Here are a few well-known examples of USP straplines:
the best a man can get. Gillette - USP focusing on quality
the world’s favourite airline. British Airways - USP focusing on popularity
never knowingly undersold. John Lewis – USP focusing on price
have it your way. Burger King - USP focusing on choice
every little helps. Tesco - USP focusing on price
just do it. Nike - USP focusing on a can-do attitude
the ultimate driving machine. BMW - USP focusing on performance
the crumbliest, flakiest chocolate. Flake - USP focusing on being unique
the mint with the hole. Polo - USP focusing on being unique
If you’re able to sum up your brand values and your advantage over competitors into a strapline, why not put it on your literature and advertising and make sure everyone gets the message!